Monday 31 October 2011

The most excellent way for you to create money online is through Google AdSense, Google contextual advertising program freely. By participating in the AdSense program, Google uses an algorithm to display relevant ads text, image or video to your blog that relate to the theme of your blog. In this way, Google acts as an intermediary between you and the free advertisers.
You can earn money internet with Google AdSense in two major forms: the cost per click (CPC), which receives a portion of the money that the advertiser is being eager to pay for someone clicks on your ad and the cost per thousand impressions (CPM) to earn money for ads on their site. With cost per click model, advertisers do not pay (non cash) when the ad appears - that wins only when someone clicks on the ad. Advertisers choose the model you want, depending on the purpose of this communication: if the ad is proposed primarily for general identification, the cost per thousand impressions (CPM), the model works better. If the main purpose is to generate advertising clicks for the user performs an action, a cost per click model is more appropriate. The type of ad that will ultimately be displayed on your site depends on which ad has the potential to earn more money with the advertiser.

Google pays content providers on a monthly basis and leads to a "payment due", which is payable when you reach a certain income level. This threshold varies depending on the currency of your country in the U.S. is $ 100. Many bloggers to generate significant revenues through AdSense in general, the amount of money you earn depends on the theme of your blog and the amount of traffic it has. AdSense is free so worth a try for a period because it will cost you nothing. Note that although it may include AdSense on platforms like Blogger and TypePad blogs, WordPress does not permit advertising on its policy.
To create an AdSense account, you must first be approved by the site to Google AdSense. During this process, make sure your blog Google is in line with the policies of the publication by searching what sort of content that you post, if you publish content in a language that is well-suited with the AdSense program, and has ten blog eight years.

Once your account has been accepted, you have to access the configuration interface of your AdSense account. If you already have a Google account (blog on Blogger) you can use the same login information. During installation you can choose whether you want the text or the video display image ads on your blog. It will also be able to customize ads based on their size and format of the page that appears to correspond to the appearance of your blog.

Once installation is complete, Google will provide a code snippet to the news that you need to paste in the source code of your blog. You should post this excerpt on the blog that the code is shared across your blog all you block ads on every page of your blog. Google offers complete instructions for doing so.

When the code is added AdSense, the ads start to appear on your blog and you can track your performance and your income from your account interface. The interface shows the amount of money you earn consequently the impressions and clicks generated by ads on your blog. You can see the performance of your ads as a high-level snapshot of the dashboard of your account or download reports that will give more complete information, for example, the total number of pages and ad impressions, ads CTR, click ads, and the effective cost per print and advertising revenue. So Google AdSense is the best way to make money online at home.